5 LinkedIn Lead Generation Software Worth Using

Lead generation on LinkedIn is a well-known strategy today. You might be a startup with 2 co-founders or a Fortune 500 company with multiple sales teams, LinkedIn serves everyone well.

Most marketers involve themselves with searching for potential leads and sending InMails. While that works great, there are certain LinkedIn lead generation tools which can help you ace your game. Our post is all about the same.

Using LinkedIn for B2B lead generation can seem like a long and daunting task. However, with the right tools and strategy, you can be much more relevant, improve your conversion percentages and separate yourself from the average marketer.

Our suggested tools in this post cover the following:

  • Finding email contacts via LinkedIn
  • Understanding the personality traits of your leads better.
  • Outreaching to leads in a targeted fashion.

Excited? Let’s begin!

#1 Get Prospect

Major Use: Helps you to get email addresses from a LinkedIn profile and other details of the potential lead.

Pricing: Free for 50 leads. After that, it starts with $29 per month for 1000 emails.

Best For: Sales research. This tool is great to thoroughly research your leads from their LinkedIn profiles.

Tool Walk Through: 

After installing the browser extension, you can go to any LinkedIn profile and collect leads in a list as follows:


Moving further, you can view the lead in more detail with all the details pulled in from LinkedIn. Here is an example:


Cons: This tool doesn’t allow you to send emails directly. It’s great for research and taking comments, but you can’t manage the outreach process from this tool.

#2  LinkedIn Sales Navigator

Major Use: Researching quality leads and outreaching them.

Pricing: Roughly USD 60 per month

Best For: Aggressive sales teams who want to be very specific about their leads. Also for professionals who have a great profile worth showing.

Tool Walk Through

Using different filters, you can search people by very narrow criteria. LinkedIn also suggests leads on its own and allows you to save them. You can outreach to potential leads using LinkedIn’s InMail feature.

Image Courtesy: LinkedIn.com

Cons: You only get 30 InMails a month which makes it around USD 2 per email. This is quite hard to justify especially for smaller companies.

 #3  Crystal Knows

Major Use: Understanding user profiles to pitch/outreach better

Pricing: Free for personal communication and $49/month for professionals in sales.

Best For: Long sales cycles where relationship building will take time. This tool helps you to start a conversation in the right way.

Tool Walk Through:

Once you import your LinkedIn profile contacts, this tool will enable you to understand each one of them. Also, before starting a conversation with the person, you’d know much more of what is common between the two of you. Here is an example after I imported my contacts:


Cons: I haven’t been able to gauge any significant downside about the tool. It’s pretty reliable.

Looking for LinkedIn lead generation strategies? Download our eBook today


#4  Hunter

Major Use: Finding emails from LinkedIn profiles.

Pricing: 150 emails/month free followed by $39 per month for 1000 emails.

Best For: Outbound emails for cold outreach

Tool Walk Through

After installing the browser extension, you can easily get the email ids for a profile. The best part is that there is a “% confidence” score as well which allows you to gauge the authenticity of the email. Try and focus on the emails with more than 80% confidence.


Cons: The browser extension is really powerful and is the best it can be!

#5  Rapportive

Major Use: Gives all the social information about a lead within your Gmail. You have more knowledge of your leads and can reach out better.

Pricing: Free

Best For: Relationship building within your network.

Tool Walk Through

This tool gives you the entire social identity of the lead in hand. You can see their social profiles, where they work, which connections you have in common etc. This tool does not have a direct functionality for lead generation but you can know a lot about the person with their email from this tool.


Cons: You need to have email ID’s first to do some work on the LinkedIn front.

In A Nutshell

These were some of my favourite tools when it comes to lead generation on LinkedIn. My personal favourites are Hunter and Crystal Knows. Have you tried any of the 5 yet?

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