Take Your Marketing Strategy To The Next Phase During Pandemic

The Corona outbreak has come as a bolt from the blue, leaving the lives of people at stake. People are bombarded with news regarding the corona outbreak, such as the increase in the death rates and the downfall of the global economy. Companies are unable to pay their employees and are sending them home. This is the situation across all the countries, even in the economic superpowers like the USA and Canada. But all is not broken!

You can still build a reputation for your brand by framing the right strategy which resonates with the current situation.

#1 Be Compassionate

During these times of uncertainty, people are filled with negative thoughts since we don’t know what tomorrow holds for us. So, displaying ads like ‘Grab our chocolate bar and make your day sweeter’ will not make people turn towards you. The ads should resonate with the current situation.

It is pertinent to have a psychological approach in your advertisements. Because people are longing for moral support as they are baffled how to survive these tough times. So, let your customers feel that you are keen on their well-being more than selling your product to them.

Communicate positive thoughts in the minds of your customers that relieves them from anxiety and boost their self-esteem.

#2 Let Everyone Know That You Value Your Employees

Your customers are also people who work very hard. So, you can uplift your brand image by letting them know how you care about your employees. For instance, come up with a video that shows the precautionary measure you follow in your manufacturing unit like

●     Offering sanitizers to your workers and encourage them to use it frequently,

●     Providing face masks at free of cost,

●     Testing the temperature of the workers frequently,

●     Offering nutritious food to combat the Coronavirus.

Such measures will build a positive reputation for your brand among people. There is also a consistent number of people working under merciless bosses who don’t care about their employees’ welfare even during tough times.

Create promotional ads that reflect that you prioritize the wellbeing of your employees, which will enhance your brand value for sure.  

In case you own an information technology firm where your employees sit in front of their laptop for hours, we also have a strategy for that. You can hire any entertainers like people who do stand-up comedy and conduct a show for your employees virtually. Since top music bands have begun to conduct live concerts virtually, offer free passes to your employees. Making such measures will help them to rejuvenate their soul and boost their productivity. Share photos of the shows and the way your employees enjoyed it, to your social media handles. Such moves will also garner attention and build a good name for you.

#3 Address Your Customer’s Concerns

The day-to-day lives of people have changed considerably since the outbreak of the pandemic. It has also impacted consumer behavior. People who are financially stable are more cautious about the money they spend. Hence, you have to take measures to know the change in the thought process of your customers. Moreover, the necessities of people are also changing in accordance with the new normal. So, reach out to your customer and initiate a conversation with them. Such a measure will help you to have a better understanding of your customers.

Subsequently, you can create advertisements and launch campaigns that are more relevant to the current situation that could easily connect with your audience. Social platforms can be used as a dynamic tool to interact with a large number of customers at a time. Go Live on Facebook or Instagram since it has a nearly 4x higher engagement rate than standard videos. Let people know prior to the date you will go live, which will drive many people to take part in it. So, look out for ways to reach out to your customers and develop a conversation with them.

#4 The Rise Of New Social Platforms During Pandemic

During this tough time of the pandemic, people are confined within the four walls of their room. Movie screenings, concerts, and night club services are also suspended. So, people have no chance to head out to relieve stress and rejuvenate their souls. Hence, they are spending time surfing the internet looking for new and enchanting content. A recent survey suggested that 56% of Millennials and Generation Z have started using new social platforms since April. There are a considerable number of social platforms such as Helo, Vigo, and Vero witnessing a steady rise in their user base.

There is also a constant surge in the user base of the OTT platforms.

Consider these newly evolved entertainment media to enhance your brand reach and generate new leads for your business.

You can choose services like Trollishly to gain new prospects on these emerging platforms.

#5 Social Sales Will Gain More Momentum

Though social platforms have already turned into the primary sales point for brands, the present situation has fuelled it further. People are prompted to order even their daily essentials online. Even the people who show less interest in online purchases have moved to it and got used to its ‘comforts.’ We are very well aware that social platforms have evolved into more of an e-commerce platform with the advent of Facebook MarketPlace and Instagram Shops. A survey conducted by AdWeek in 2019 stated that 53% of Millennials and Generation Z  got to know about new products only through social platforms. People also check with the social media page of a brand to know more about it and also for new collections.

So, during this time, social sales have geared up much faster than expected. Major apparel brands like H&M and Levis have a large share of their sales through social and e-commerce platforms since the outbreak of the pandemic. So, if you own a B2C company, you should have a complete focus on promoting your product through social platforms. Preferable, people will choose to go with online purchases until the pandemic comes to an end. So, create awareness among people about the safety measures you follow for your delivery persons.

#6 Collaboration with micro-influencers

Collaborating with micro-influencers is also a better tactic to increase your brand reach. These influencers will charge very less when compared to mega influencers. If you are thinking about offering freebies, go with high-quality masks, sanitizers, or even energy drinks.

These freebies will work best in the current situation and elevate your brand value. Frame your strategy by taking advantage of the strategies given above and take your business to a whole new level.

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Author Bio

Sarah Smith. She is a professional content creator and writes in-depth articles about Social Media and tech reviews. Sarah’s particular areas of interest are marketing, technology, and anything related to social media. She has published several articles on leading websites and is an avid blogger and Trollishly Social Media Blogger.

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