Author: Shivankit Arora

7 Ways To Turn Content Into A Lead Generation Machine

Content marketing is not at all a new concept now. However, most marketers still struggle with scaling/measuring their lead generation outputs via content. Most digital marketers today understand the importance of blogging, social media, creating…

How To Launch An App Successfully

Launching a mobile app successfully can be a daunting task. Especially if you’ve put months of effort in your product and your business goals are driven by it. Most app developers end up doing basic…

Guide To Small Business SEO [Infographic]

SEO is a marketing concept that has baffled SMB marketers from the beginning. In the 90’s it was all about using keywords and content, but today, there are over 200 factors that affect SEO. Ofcourse,…

Guide To Generating 100 B2B Leads/Month

When it comes to B2B lead generation, most marketers seem confused if you ask them about a strategy/process that can be scaled. Most B2B lead generation marketing strategies are still stuck on cold emails, basic social media…